everything IN ONE GO
Who would not?
To get know Berlin
in 2, 3 or 4 hours is possible
in a classic city sightseeing tour
passing along all you must have seen.
everything IN TWO GOES
You want to know more?
The historic Berlin of today and tomorrows modern town,
before lunch the western part - after lunch the eastern part
... or rather vice versa?
If you take 2 days time for Berlin
I take 2 days time for you.
more is LESS
You want to acquire exact knowledge?
You want to know what Paris Square has to do with Paris,
why a brewery emits culture nowadays,
and why music is produced in a cold warehouse for eggs?
You are curious where Theodor Fontane got engaged,
where Marlene Dietrich went to school and
where Leonardo di Caprio stumbled?
You want to know why Napoleon was a horse thief,
where Emperor Wilhelm borrowed a bathtub and
where West Berliners used to flee to the East?
You are interested where wine is grown in Berlin,
where you get the best "Currywurst" and
why in a "Cafe Octagon" no coffee is served?
I will tell you ...
either on a walking tour
or on one of my "specific topic tours"!